Navigations are Second, Time, Around, You.
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Yours Truly.
Let me hear you call my name.
S. yanhong ♡
Hello, Im yanhong! :D Im a girl (DUHHHH) but obviously, i dont like pink/ barbie dolls/ cooking toys/ princess make up/ fairy tale clothes cause they're way way too girly and of course im way way too cool for them.
I ♥ my very very own awesome/ cool/ fabulous/ manitactic/ monsterous/ retarded/ horny/ loud/ fattttt friends. I've a rocky sister called hweeeeee (Mushroom head) but only i can call her mushroom head. If you ever dare to call her what i call her, i'll deliever a punch in your freaking face. Im so in love with robots in any shapes and sizes.
I love to stare at certain people especially adults , cause they are so facinating! I love to roll my eyes in a fast mode everytime i hear sick jokes. I love to bite people too, but only those tasty ones. I love to roar, scream and make psycho noises.
I LOVE TO EAT! :) I love the 4th of december & to capture moments that I can keep etched in my heart. You won't understand me till you talk to me.
DOMO! { ♥}
AICB ; Trumpet.
I SO LOVE 4E5 in AISS! ♥
The world keepkeep being in the way,
Friday, August 28, 2009 Friday, August 28, 2009
Why do you even believe her?
 Swing on your own.
I basically screw up everything of my life. ya, you're right. Im living in my own world. because i simply dont feel like communicating. I apologise for that. I always wna be strong, thats my motto. But everything seems to come so fast, so quick. Its a whole chuck of things at a go. I know you're tired, so am i.
Certain things, i feel the urge to explain to you. And yet idk how. My lips just dont know how to put them to words, to sentences. So many a time, i just give up explaining. I reckon no one understands. I dont. you dont. she dont. they dont. Certain things, im surprised at myself for doing them. That faith dont stay. you lost it, i lost it too. and that believe is planted in her. Certain things, i can ask myself over and over agn. And yet the ans dont come. It hurts deep down, seriously.
Tell, Speak, Told, Spoke. I lost a friend whom i know for almost 10 years. 10 years. and its just gone like this. Thats when i found that how things get fragile. I guess ours ended just the same pathetic way. I reckon the problem lie with me. And yet, i dont even get a proper ans from that 10 years of friendship. Speaking abt fair, HAHS. Im waiting for the ans, but it wont come. I knew it. and you gave me an ans but i dont understand the concept of it. So its a merry-go-round, the ball is pass back to me. Every step taken has to be consider carefully. deep down, that qns still exist; how did we fade from the picture? The thoughts still run on like a never ending track, "Whats the smallest things that tear us down?" It seems that im forever waiting for the ans from you and yet i dont bother looking for it. I always wna you to work hard, and yet i didnt. How selfish am i, So rmb the selfish one isnt you but me.
Im puzzled at the fact of me willing to take the burden from you and shoulder it myself. Its a burden i have been avoiding since stone age.
Im sorry,peisin. yeahhh, im.
I cant give your story a good ending, a happy one in fact. All this are the stuffs i wont be able to give. Perhaps she'll be able to do the things that i cant anymore for you. I ask myself what i can give you, its yet nothing but sorrow & anger. When i keep writing in your story trying to make things better, it only got worse.