Navigations are Second, Time, Around, You.
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Yours Truly.
Let me hear you call my name.
S. yanhong ♡
Hello, Im yanhong! :D Im a girl (DUHHHH) but obviously, i dont like pink/ barbie dolls/ cooking toys/ princess make up/ fairy tale clothes cause they're way way too girly and of course im way way too cool for them.
I ♥ my very very own awesome/ cool/ fabulous/ manitactic/ monsterous/ retarded/ horny/ loud/ fattttt friends. I've a rocky sister called hweeeeee (Mushroom head) but only i can call her mushroom head. If you ever dare to call her what i call her, i'll deliever a punch in your freaking face. Im so in love with robots in any shapes and sizes.
I love to stare at certain people especially adults , cause they are so facinating! I love to roll my eyes in a fast mode everytime i hear sick jokes. I love to bite people too, but only those tasty ones. I love to roar, scream and make psycho noises.
I LOVE TO EAT! :) I love the 4th of december & to capture moments that I can keep etched in my heart. You won't understand me till you talk to me.
DOMO! { ♥}
AICB ; Trumpet.
I SO LOVE 4E5 in AISS! ♥
Endure & persistence.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dont ever tell my juniors i posted their photo on here. I might get murdered, ya know? *biggrin* :} Anw Im super duper mega proud of the 4 of them. Juniors, endure, one day you all will make the break.
Your words sure have large impact on me, pulling me up. Those papers are just like tight slaps across my face, waking me up. You woke me up twice; from my deedeedrum daydreaming first time during mid year exams. This is the second time. I still rmb your words. You got me up & made me work hard. Thank you, Mr. F.
I swear today is the first time, i understand every single topics taught in school, even A.maths. Im like proud of myself for a split second, and then its gone agn. >:(
Do you believe? Endurance and persistence will be rewarded. :D