I believe a dream is a wish you make with your heart ;
Second Time Around You

Navigations are Second, Time, Around, You.

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3 years up the road, things aint like that at all.

Saturday, December 12, 2009 Saturday, December 12, 2009


Seeing this, reminds me of US NOW.

I told myself never to talk about this again. But when i saw this picture, i got an urge to dig out every single thing again & talk about it. Soooooo, here goes. Pure friendship is what we used to have. haha, you once owned a big part of my world. Im not kidding, A BIG PART! But Im pretty sure we brought so much of unhappiness into each other's lifes. Yes, heaps of unhappiness & tears in fact. To think we once shared everything under the sun, from tie to uniforms, from drinks to hmwk, from batman secrets to inside jokes. But all that belongs to the nerdy us 3 stone ages years ago, 3 frigggginggg years ago. & Now, hmmmmm, what has change? I said lots of things. Things like attitude, cliques, hairstyles, skirt lengths, different kinds of dreams, even the truth seems to twist itself into a hideous shape till i cant differentiate whether its a truth or a fake. ewwww, it pains me just to say these stuffs. we're now using invsible weapons simply to kill each other silently, the feeling feels like a voice saying 'dont ever stop this war!'. Its precisely a war era in this state. Now i can walk past you like i never have anything to do with you. i never know that things will turn out like this, cause no one predict the future. but if people do, im never willing to let this war starts & let us kill us.

I actually told myself to leave the fond memories, leave those words, leave this friendship behind & let you take away all the bad ones as you go so that i'll only remember your goods.
It feels good huh, you going your way & i going mine. ITS DOESNT FEEL GOOD!
i told myself to be strong without you, but sometimes this just isnt gna works.
Sometimes, just sometimes, i feel sad about letting you go.
