Navigations are Second, Time, Around, You.
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Yours Truly.
Let me hear you call my name.
S. yanhong ♡
Hello, Im yanhong! :D Im a girl (DUHHHH) but obviously, i dont like pink/ barbie dolls/ cooking toys/ princess make up/ fairy tale clothes cause they're way way too girly and of course im way way too cool for them.
I ♥ my very very own awesome/ cool/ fabulous/ manitactic/ monsterous/ retarded/ horny/ loud/ fattttt friends. I've a rocky sister called hweeeeee (Mushroom head) but only i can call her mushroom head. If you ever dare to call her what i call her, i'll deliever a punch in your freaking face. Im so in love with robots in any shapes and sizes.
I love to stare at certain people especially adults , cause they are so facinating! I love to roll my eyes in a fast mode everytime i hear sick jokes. I love to bite people too, but only those tasty ones. I love to roar, scream and make psycho noises.
I LOVE TO EAT! :) I love the 4th of december & to capture moments that I can keep etched in my heart. You won't understand me till you talk to me.
DOMO! { ♥}
AICB ; Trumpet.
I SO LOVE 4E5 in AISS! ♥
you held my hand, ☺
Thursday, December 3, 2009 Thursday, December 03, 2009
 I hope this smiley never change, though things do change for either the better or the worst.
Yesterday went to Crescent Girls' Band concert. They played Can't Take My Eyes Off You for their encore. A different version from ours, i like it the way they play it. I also liked when they played High School Musical 3. they rock! :}
The moment i saw you, that cold nervous feeling that runs down my back, the bear hug, that sudden hand hold that left my heart beating fast after that, big spectales that i like, encore being called, pissed off buddys, my tired legs, the sleepy me, surprised at some people. ♥
i cant wait for this saturday concert, will be supporting besties. Play well & i'll clap well. HAHA! kidding. Going out tmr with my BUDDYS. 2 BOWLS OF LASKA & 2 BOTTLE OF 1.5 LITRES OF GREEN TEAS FTW! OH YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! & i found out 'WAH WAH WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' seems to work well on my buddys. I win no matter what as long as i do the 'wah-ing' method. this dec hols is packed for me. Of course, there's still heaps of hmwk to be done, a concert to attend with J., two of my NCO friends' concerts to attend, outings to go to, & many moreeeeeeeeeeee FUNS!
IM HAPPY NOW! ._.v so dont spoil my fun.
Thanks , rasyid, J., LION MUMMY, yi jie, jie ying & Shaik Mohamed Eusope for their early birthday wishes. ^^ Thanks, zm for his early birthday gift.
LION MUMMY shld be heading to JA-pan now. TIGER will miss you yeah! Bluff you one. xP
"Love is like a friendship caught on fire: In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable." Bruce Lee. :)