Navigations are Second, Time, Around, You.
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Yours Truly.
Let me hear you call my name.
S. yanhong ♡
Hello, Im yanhong! :D Im a girl (DUHHHH) but obviously, i dont like pink/ barbie dolls/ cooking toys/ princess make up/ fairy tale clothes cause they're way way too girly and of course im way way too cool for them.
I ♥ my very very own awesome/ cool/ fabulous/ manitactic/ monsterous/ retarded/ horny/ loud/ fattttt friends. I've a rocky sister called hweeeeee (Mushroom head) but only i can call her mushroom head. If you ever dare to call her what i call her, i'll deliever a punch in your freaking face. Im so in love with robots in any shapes and sizes.
I love to stare at certain people especially adults , cause they are so facinating! I love to roll my eyes in a fast mode everytime i hear sick jokes. I love to bite people too, but only those tasty ones. I love to roar, scream and make psycho noises.
I LOVE TO EAT! :) I love the 4th of december & to capture moments that I can keep etched in my heart. You won't understand me till you talk to me.
DOMO! { ♥}
AICB ; Trumpet.
I SO LOVE 4E5 in AISS! ♥
it was all just a fantasy.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I hate the morning, because i know what they bring, I hate goodbye, I hate these tears in my eyes.

wellz, today & yesterday really not fucking right. Recalling yesterday, one second i was fine, holding on my a.maths paper and the next second, i was hugging hwee with fat tears dripping down my face as if a frozen pipe had burst in each of my eyeballs. Yesterday was horrible shit! Today wasnt any better though i didnt cry. im not pleased with my results except for geography. But at least, i passed chemistry (finally worth my 3 hours of sleep with hideous eye bags). And yeah, mum's coming down for PTM. im so so so deaddddddddddddd mannnnnnnnnnnnn! Fingers crossed that dad dont wanna go for PTM, or i would be worst off than dead. mum said she not gonna scold me, and she surprised me with just 'study hard'. guess i really disappointed her this time? ohhhh waittttt waitttt waittttt, i disappointed her many more times than that. hah, sorry mum & dad.
buy it, use it, break it, fix it, change it, mail-upgrade it, charge it, point it, zoom it, press it, snap it, work it, quick-erase it, write it, cut it, paste it, save it, load it, check it, quick-rewrite it, plug it, play it, burn it, rip it, drag & drop it, zip-unzip it, lock it, fill it, call it, find it, view it, code it, jam-unlock it, surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it, cross it, crack it, I wished i could do all this actions to studies.
Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever. (: