Navigations are Second, Time, Around, You.
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Yours Truly.
Let me hear you call my name.
S. yanhong ♡
Hello, Im yanhong! :D Im a girl (DUHHHH) but obviously, i dont like pink/ barbie dolls/ cooking toys/ princess make up/ fairy tale clothes cause they're way way too girly and of course im way way too cool for them.
I ♥ my very very own awesome/ cool/ fabulous/ manitactic/ monsterous/ retarded/ horny/ loud/ fattttt friends. I've a rocky sister called hweeeeee (Mushroom head) but only i can call her mushroom head. If you ever dare to call her what i call her, i'll deliever a punch in your freaking face. Im so in love with robots in any shapes and sizes.
I love to stare at certain people especially adults , cause they are so facinating! I love to roll my eyes in a fast mode everytime i hear sick jokes. I love to bite people too, but only those tasty ones. I love to roar, scream and make psycho noises.
I LOVE TO EAT! :) I love the 4th of december & to capture moments that I can keep etched in my heart. You won't understand me till you talk to me.
DOMO! { ♥}
AICB ; Trumpet.
I SO LOVE 4E5 in AISS! ♥
Love don't equals to forever.
Monday, May 17, 2010 Monday, May 17, 2010
trying to picture the tomorrow in you.
 He looks retarded in this photo, but who cares.
Today is his birthday. happy birthday to my ex son, hazzry binte wasabi! HAHA! best wishes. stay happy always, EAT MORE CAKEEEEEE & GROW FATTER (you're way too skinny)! i think i did this birthday greetings three times already but who cares as long as i like it. LOL! Well, this guy whose birthday is today made me realised a lot of things yeah, from being a normal person to a friend to a buddy to a mummy to a ex mummy. I can say in the process, i learnt loads of things that sort of made me a better person today. yes, he taught me a lot of things including cute vulgar words like "OMGWTFBBQ" and even the msn emotion icon 'jiaobin icon'! guess its fun time spent all along with him. Without him, there wont be a better yanhong today. I also gotten many priceless things from him, like laughter, joy, smile, tears, happiness, sadness. :D so i suppose you ought to be given a thank you from me? Thanks! BE A HAPPY MAN! peace out, ex son. :)
Watch the stars shine for you.
Anyway, Dear diary, today sucks. ): im not happy with certain matters or rather 3 matters. 3 BIG MATTERS! & someone is showing her bloody PMS attitude recently. well, all i can say is, i seriously dont feel like even approaching you to ask whats wrong. All you know is to keep quiet and think that nothing happens while you're ignoring us. YOU THINK THIS KIND OF GAME IS AWESOME?! If so, me & hwee are willing to play this game with you till the end. lets see how long is cold war gonna last. If you wanna talk, just talk then. Im so not gonna bother or think so much/deeply, all this is not worth my energy. i've much more better things to do. I got tired of trying to figure out what you're thinking when all you do is to shut yourself out & take it as though you dont know us. The game has come to its climax now. :)